by Fatima-Iram Din | Jun 8, 2021
Eligibility: Latino immigrants Free workshops in Spanish, Wage theft assistance, Workers Rights Program, Worker Center, and more! We connect Latino immigrants with job opportunities. Phone: 425.446.2950 Email: Silvia Gonzalez at or Maria Fatima-Iram Din | Apr 30, 2021
Eligibility: Adults. All documentation statuses welcome. THIS PROGRAM IS NO LONGER SCREENING INDIVIDUALS. PLEASE REFER TO THIS ARTICLE: This program Fatima-Iram Din | Apr 16, 2021
Eligibility: Latina women. Free and no documentation required. Mujeres Sin Fronteras is a program that supports, informs, and educates Latino women. Find out what is happening in your community and find helpful resources for you and your family. Phone: Fatima-Iram Din | Apr 16, 2021
Eligibility: K-5th grade Children. We provide socially distanced homework help sessions for a small group of children. There are 8 spots open Mondays and Wednesdays (4 spots for 4:30-5:30 pm & 4 spots for 6-7 pm). If your child does not want to meet face-to-face, Fatima-Iram Din | Apr 16, 2021
Eligibility: Youth 11-19 years of age City Life focuses on serving kids in tough places where they live…their neighborhoods and schools. We run after-school programs and drop-in centers near schools so we can minister to kids academically, socially, and...